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Port Charlotte Middle School

Empower | Inspire | Innovate | Create

PCMS Media Center



Ms. Toni Salvatore

Media Specialist


Open Mon – Fri

8:50 a.m. – 4:10 p.m.

Check-out limit: 5 items

A stylized logo for PCMS Media, featuring a person sitting near a large smartphone with books flying around them.

Media Photos

  • A student sits reading a book by the register at the Scholastic Book Fair.
    Book Fair Sep 2024
  • A student browses the shelves at the Scholastic Book Fair.
    Book Fair Sep 2024
  • A student stands with the librarian in the main office at PCMS, holding a Nintendo Switch console brand new in box.
    Our grand prize winner of the Summer Reading Challenge won a Nintendo Switch!
  • A student stands holding a long pink box labeled "crumbl."
    Our runner-up in the Summer Reading Challenge won a box of Crumbl Cookies.
  • Three tables are spread with holiday decorations for Christmas, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah.
    New decorations were purchased this year for the holidays, including Christmas, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah.
  • A student reads next to a Christmas tree.
    The students helped decorate for the holidays.
  • A student sits at a long table putting together a diamond painting.
    The Media Center has an "Art Bar" for students to sit and draw, color, or make crafts.
  • The main service desk is decorated with fall leaves, LED lights, and door mats.
    We also purchased decorations for the Fall holidays.
  • Five students pose for the camera in front of a locked Breakout EDU box.
    Occasionally students can do drop-in games in the Media Center, such as this escape game on Halloween.
  • Two students sit at a table attempting to figure out a puzzle.
    Students dropped in all day to complete the challenge.
  • A hand holding a white 3D printed keychain of a Nike sneaker.
    The Media Center has a Makerspace, where students can design 3D objects, laser cuts, and more.
  • Two students sit in front of a laptop reading build instructions for a VEX Robotics IQ kit.
    The makerspace also includes Robotics. Students can join Robotics Club after school on Wednesdays in the Media Center.